04 | 12 | 2024

"Parametric Patch Method of Moments" is a MoM program for efficient prediction of RCS. It uses basis functions that conform to parametric surfaces with curvature.

  • Link (28 Nov 2008)


The latest version of 32-bit OpenMaXwell by  Christian Haffner, a general electromagnetics analysis tool including MMP, FDTD and much more. A release is available for download.

  • Link (23 Dec 2021)


A FORTRAN program for electromagnetic scattering analysis of 3D objects with penetrable and non-penetrable materials. A combined finite element method and method of moments (FEM/MoM) approach is used to analyse this problem.

Electric Field Calculation Method of Auxiliary Sources

The Electric Field Calculation for Mobile Communication Coverage in Buildings and Indoor Areas by Using the Method of Auxiliary Sources

A program system for numerical computation of electromagnetic radiation and scattering problems.

It is based on the method of moments for the numerical solution of integral equations for the electric field (EFIE) and the magnetic field (MFIE). The package as well as the source code is available for various workstations.

OpenMaX by Christian Hafner, ETH Zürich is a graphic platform for Computational Electromagnetic and Computational Optics on personal computers under Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista.

A numerical electromagnetics code for solving general electromagnetics radiation problems. The field computation is based on the Method of Moments. In order to solve electrically larger structures the MoM has been hybridized with high frequency techniques such as Physical Optics and the Uniform Theory of Diffraction.

General Multipole Technique fortran programs by Piotr Piatrou. The program it is written for MS Fortran with use of the IMSL library. A problem is that there is an error in the incident wave polarization state.

A FORTRAN code developed by Aharon Blank (Hewbrew University of Jerusalem) for PC for the calculation of RCS in two polarizations (VV,HH) and all aspect angles for arbitrary BOR made of dielectric/metalic layers. The code is based on the MoM equivalence principle. The BOR can be metallic or non metallic.

  • Link (28 Nov 2008)

MPSpack is a user-friendly and fully object-oriented MATLAB toolbox that implements the Method of Particular Solutions and related boundary methods (e.g. fundamental solutions, layer potentials) for efficient and highly accurate solution of Laplace eigenvalue problems, interior/exterior Helmholtz boundary-value problems (e.g. wave scattering), and related PDE problems, on piecewise-constant 2D domains.
By Alex Barnett and Timo Betcke.

Update by the authors (23 Jun 2010):
Version 1.1beta includes code for quasi-periodic scattering problems, ie diffraction from an infinite 1D lattice of obstacles in 2D.



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