FORTRAN point matching code by ESA (European Space Agency) for RADAR scattering by axisymmetric rain drops. Theory based on J.A. Morrison, M.J.Cross (1974) and T. Oguchi (1973).
Available by FTP from ESA/ESTEC server.
Scattering Dynamics
scadyn is a code for scattering dynamics calculations, which utilizes a volume integral equation solution to compute the T-matrices of non-spherical scatterers (T-VIE) .

Fortran program for bistatic scattering by single spheroidal particle available by contacting
Dr. Wei Zhang, Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Radio Communications, Radio Laboratory, Otakaari 5A, FIN 02150 Espoo, Finland
- Tel.: +358 0 451 2255,
- Fax: +358 0 451 2152,
- Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
An open-source C++-based Python library CosTuuM that can be used to generate infrared absorption and emission coefficients for arbitrary mixtures of spheroidal dust grains that are (partially) aligned with a magnetic field.
VGF-Scattering-Code is Fortran code for scattering by 3D particles based on the Variational Greens Function.
T-matrix for Electromagnetic Radiation with Multiple Scatterers — a set of Fortran modules/routines and Python scripts for T-matrix-based calculations and analysis of light scattering by clusters of individual scatterers.

Python wrapper for Multiple Sphere T-Matrix (MSTM) code for the calculation of extinction spectra of nanoparticle aggregates.
Wave Scattering Toolbox
TMATROM is a simple and easy to use reduced order model toolbox for simulating 2D wave propagation, acoustic and electromagnetic waves, wave propagation exterior to one or more scatterers; sound soft/sound hard/ transverse electric (TE)/ transverse magnetic (TM)/ absorbing/ dielectric scatterers; low, medium and high frequencies

The Julia package `TransitionMatrices.jl` by Zihua Wu implements the classic EBCM method, supporting arbitrary precision and automatic differentiation. To calculate the T-Matrix of various types of scatterers the EBCM and the Invariant Imbedding T-Matrix Method (IITM) is implemented.
SMUTHI by Amos Egel solves 3D light scattering problems involving one or multiple particles (spheres, spheroids and finite cylinders) inside a planarly layered medium. It is based on the T-matrix method for the individual particles and on the scattering-matrix method for the propagation through the layered medium. For spheroids and finite cylinders, the particles' T-matrices are computed using the NFM-DS package by Adrian Doicu, Thomas Wriedt and Yuri Eremin.
