22 | 01 | 2025

EMpy (Electromagnetic Python) is a suite of algorithms widely knonw and used in electromagnetic problems and optics: the transfer matrix algorithm, the rigorous coupled wave analysis algorithm and more.

G-sphere - Free Fortran software for generating Gaussian sample spheres by K. Muinonen and T. Nousiainen.

MATLAB code for TM wave scattering on PEC and dielectric cylinder by Jesper Oppelstrup.

  • Link (22 Feb 2009)

Method of Moments based software (MATLAB Antenna Toolbox) for the modeling of basic metal-dielectric antennas and resonators by Sergey N. Makarov and Leo C. Kempel.


Collection of R packages for specific tasks related to physics, optics, photonics, plasmonics, liquid crystals by Baptiste Auguie and Steph Cornford. The package includes CDA (Coupled dipole approximation) ,  Mie scattering for a sphere and a coated sphere, Wrapper for ADDA (Discrete Dipole Approximation code), Null-Field Method (T-matrix), coupled dipole approximation.

  • Link (12 Feb 2009)


Mathematica code for analytical treatment of surface plasmon single particle scattering by René Petersen.


SPlaC (SERS and Plasmonics Codes) written for Matlab by Eric C. Le Ru and Pablo G. Etchegoin to cover a range of various EM modeling relevant to SERS and plasmonic, including Mie theory codes for plane wave excitation, Mie theory for dipolar emission and Mie theory for spherical multilayers.

Real-time Java simulations of multiple interference dielectric filters.
An interactive Java applet for real-time simulation and visualization of the transmittance properties of multiple interference dielectric filters by Alexandre N. Kireev, Olivier J.F. Martin.

StrawberryFields is a complete nanoscale electromagnetic modelling and data visualization suite. By Brenton Thomas.

Ocean Optical Phytoplankton Simulator (OOPS)
A GUI-based control software package by Minsu Kim.


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