GranFilm: Optical Properties of Granular Thin Films. Fortran software package aimed at calculating the polarizability of truncated spheres or spheroids deposited on a substrate and all the derived Fresnel quantities for island layers by Rémi Lazzari and Ingve Simonsen.
FORTRAN FIM (Fredholm Integral Equation Method) code by A.R.Holt, University of Essex for RADAR scattering by axisymmetric rain drops. Available by FTP from ESA/ESTEC server.
R. W. Schaefer's FORTRAN code (1980) for scattering by an ensenble of spheroids.
R.W. Schaefer, Calculation of the light scattered by randomly oriented ensembles of spheroids of size comparable to the wavelenght, Thesis, State Univ. of New York, Albany, 1980.
For analysis of microstrip line including nonlinear circuits.
C/NL2 Windows program available on disk in
Stephen A. Maas, Arthur Nichols, C/NL2 for Windows: Linear and Nonlinear Microwave Circuit Analysis and Optimisation, Artech House, London 1994.
Mathematica Software Codes By L.W. Li, X.K. Kang, & M.S. Leong to compute scattering by a coated spheroid using spheroidal wave functions.
Code available on disk in W.J.R. Hoefer, P.P.M. So, The Electromagnetic Wave Simulator, Wiley, Chichester, 1991.
A C++ object class library developed to distribute bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) models for light scattering from surfaces.
3-D field simulator based on Transmission Line Method including near-far field transform. Program for SUN workstations available from
Kimberly Communications Consultants Ltd., S G C S Business Park, Technology Drive, NOTTINGHAM, NG9 2ND, UK.
The program performs computation of the propagation constants for electromagnetic waves in dispersive media formed of homogeneous monodispersed spherical particles using the quasi-crystalline approximation.
Electromagnetic 2D scattering code which simulates the scatterer by a collection of circular cylinders. The code allows for any composite scatterer with dielectric or conducting material, plane wave or line source excitation. PC program available from Atef Elsherbeni.