11 | 02 | 2025

Virtual Tissue Simulator

Virtual Tissue Simulator (VTS) is a modular and scalable computational platform, to provide an integrated suite of computational tools to define, solve, visualize, and analyze relevant forward and inverse radiative transport problems in biomedical optics. This is a beta release of a MATLAB interoperability package that works with the Windows version of MATLAB.

  • Link (10 Aug 2015)

mstm-gui, Multiple-Sphere T-Matrix with user interface by David Mayerich

  • Link (9 Dec 2013, 10 Nov 2014)


BIM-Sim: broadband interactive Mie-scattering simulator

BIM-Sim is a software package for simulating electromagnetic interactions with spherical scatterers. The software takes into account the entire imaging process, including (a) focusing optics used to produce an incident electromagnetic field, (b) the interaction of the incident field with multiple spheres, and (c) the focusing optics and detector used for imaging.

  • Link (10 Nov 2014)

FMPS (Fast Multi-Particle Scattering) Software

A variety of problems in applied physics and engineering require the solution of Maxwell's equations in complex micro-structured materials. FMPS combines high-order accurate integral equation methods with classical multiple scattering theory. It assumes only that the material consists of an isotropic background in which are dispersed a large number of micro- or nano-scale metallic or dielectric inclusions.

  • Link (19 Aug 2013)

JaSTA: Java Superposition T-matrix App. is a Java Application for the Superposition T-matrix Code to Study the Optical Properties of Cosmic Dust Aggregates.




Scilab multisphere Mie scattering code by Alexander Burin.


Calculating Cluster Hologram Residuals

Code by Jerome Fung is provided to calculate residuals between an experimentally recorded hologram of 3 polystyrene spheres (benttrimer.txt) and model holograms computed from guesses for the refractive index, radius, and x, y, and z coordinates of each sphere.

Lidar is affected by multiple scattering in any optically thick medium, particularly liquid clouds. Millimetre-wave radar is typically only affected when observing deep convective clouds from space. One approach to deal with this problem is to use a variational retrieval algorithm with a forward model that can represent multiple scattering while being both accurate and fast. This code is such a forward model, and consists of two algorithms.

  • Link (18 Oct 2012)




T-Matrix based HPC software by N. C. Panoiu for massively parallel simulation of 3D electromagnetic nano-structures.

  • Link (22 Jan 2014)

Coupled-dipole simulations of sparse plasmonic nanoparticle assemblies using the cda package



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